Ruin Bars in Budapest
Ruin pubs? What the heck?
Updated: 03rd April, 2020
This may sound new if you never been to Budapest, but old timer tourists know that these are some of the best nightlife spots to visit in the city. If you ever considered a bar crawl with Pub Crawl Budapest, you are at the right place. Start by watching our video about the seven best ruin bars in the city.
Basically these are bars in ruin but set in elegant Monarchy era buildings. Instead of being renovated and made into high-quality pubs they keep their run-down exterior. They are usually furnished with old communist era artefacts and are filled with that eccentric hipster aesthetic. You can find them all over the 7th District (the party district), and AllNightCrash also offers a Budapest Pub Crawl in which they offer a crawl which specialises in going to many of these ruin bars.
All of these places have their own unique atmosphere, and we compiled a cool list of the ones we like the most. Start with our video, if you did not watch it yet!
In these article series we compiled you a list of very cool ruin bars to check out.
Table of contents
Szimpla Garden Ruin Bar
Instant / Fogas Ruin Club Complex
Ellátóház Ruin Bar
Anker’t Ruin Pub
Retox Ruin Bar & Party Hostel
Corvintető (Corvin Club) Rooftop Cinema
Füge Udvar Ruin Bar
Dürer Kert Ruin Bar
Kuplung Ruin Pub
Grandio Jungle Bar